Fred Zeleny



Seeking work creating engaging games, applying artistic and literary skills in interactive media.





Art In Transit: Winter 2005 – Present

Producer, Artist: Founded and city-wide, $10,000+ public art display program, coordinating funding, publicity, display schedule, and message integrity with 31 artists and 3 major organizations. Organized multiple traditional and non-traditional gallery displays.


NDC Health: Summer 2003 - Present

Flash Animator, Interactive Designer: Designing rapid prototypes of engaging educational Flash animations and lessons for nation-wide education of employees and customers. Working closely with educational and technical team for high-speed development of lessons and proprietary tools. Developing comprehensive training programs for education of industry professionals in major pharmacy chains.


Demiurge Studios: Summer 2002

Animator: Enveloped and animated high-detail primary characters for PS2 demo of the Unreal engine, including visemes and facial emotions. Integrated work with other team members with eye towards character and consistency, using 3D Studio Max.


Social Robot Project: Spring 2000 - Summer 2001

Creative Designer, Animator, Writer: Developed character personality through dialogue and 3-D animation using proprietary, UNIX-based animation and scripting software. Worked with project leaders, providing creative input for overall visual and interactive feel of character.


Building Virtual Worlds: Spring2000 – Winter 2000, Summer 2001

Texture Mapper, Writer, Animator: Worked in small groups with programmers and modelers to develop interactive virtual reality worlds and stories, at Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment Technology Center. Developed settings, characters, and interactions for short stories while animating using proprietary software.


The Camarilla: Autumn 1996 – Winter 2004

Global Setting Advisor, Regional and Venue Storyteller: Developed stories, plots, and rules sets for worldwide live action role-playing game, working in conjunction with international teams of assistant storytellers. Created global history and setting for specific character types, with a focus on creating rich story potential for all players. Directed story for East Central Region of the United States, overseeing plot arcs and actions of dozens of players and storytellers across seven states in person and online.





Flash, 3-D Studio Max, Character Studio, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Director, Maya, 3-D Deep Paint, UnrealEd, HTML, Word, Excel.

Educational experience online and in person, ranging from professionals to children. Storytelling experience in live action, tabletop, and online gaming. Artistic, expressive, literary, and dramatic experience in animation, gesture drawing, and short stories.

Dedicated, creative, versatile, holistic, resourceful, focused, constructive, and diplomatic.



Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelor of Humanities and the Arts

Creative Writing and Fine Art, Focus on Electronic Media

Graduated with University and College Honors, Spring 2000